
Public Notice: VIRTUAL JCACTF Meeting September 28, 2023

Jersey City Arts and Culture Trust Fund Committee

 Pursuant to the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231 of the Sunshine Law, the Jersey City Arts and Culture Trust Fund Committee will hold a Virtual Meeting on Thurs, September 28 at 5:45pm.


The Arts and Culture Trust Fund Committee is utilizing the Zoom service to conduct regular meetings in compliance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act. If you wish to participate during the public comment portion of an agenda item, then you must: Join the meeting using Zoom: Meeting ID: 240 917 1605 passcode: qNf7Mm

  • When the Public Comment portion of a case you wish to speak on is opened to the public, you as an attendee must then click the “raise hand” button in order to indicate to the Board Chair or Secretary that you wish to speak.
    • After clicking “raise hand” listen for your name, phone number or other ID, given to you during login. Permissions to speak will be then granted to you.
    • You cannot participate in public comment unless you are attending the virtual meeting through Zoom. You may also call in to access the meeting. All public users calling in must use +1 646 558 8656 US, and Meeting ID: 240 917 1605 passcode: 034080

All microphones of public users will be muted, except as set forth above during the public comment portion of each agenda item. You can test out the functionality of Zoom, including speaker/microphone on your computer or other internet connected device at

Staff will not be available by phone or in the office during the virtual meeting. You can find more information available at


  1. Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Sunshine Statement
  4. Roll call
  5. Approval of Minutes from meeting of September 14, 2023.
  6. New Business:

– Trust Fund current grant cycle update

  1. General Public Participation (5 minutes per person)
  2. Adjournment

Elizabeth Phillips Lorenzo, Co-Chairperson

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